NB — To edit anything, you have to have pressed the little triangle in the top left of the browser's window, so that a menu shows on the left. It can be any menu, except the Design/Styles Editor menu.
Posting an article
— Go to the Song Blog page and press 'new post'
— Write a headline
— Create a picture Block and choose a picture. Press the little pencil icon after it has uploaded (don't leave the 'choose a picture' panel), this will allow you to crop the image to the same as all the other posts. Choose landscape 5x4. If your image is portrait, you'll have to crop it to a rough landscape first, only then will you be given the preset landscape crops. Choose 'stretch' and 'caption below'. You don't need to give it a filename, but this helps with SEO... apparently.
— Create a text block under the picture (or there's probably one there anyway). Write into it, or paste a pre-saved article.
— Move over to the 'Options' tab and paste or write a short excerpt.
— Choose 'Post Now' or 'Scheduled' or 'Draft' etc on your post.
— SAVE!!!
— on main page, have a section for last 5 (or whatever) posts
— DOTW and COTW to be just text block and picture block, no links or history or nuffink
— twitter feed? Hashtag feed?
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