Jamaica to Japan, inner city London to the American south, Cuba to Scotland and Ireland, this week’s playlists cover all sorts of searches from love to spiritual and material quests, and turn into a treasure trove of finds put together by guest of the week ajostu
Read morePlaylists: love songs to specific places
Avalon to Cádiz, New York City to Paris, Mexico to West Indies, this week’s playlists make up a music journey of poetic proportions, an atlas d’amour perfectly prepared by guest picker Uncleben, jet propelled by last week’s huge topic
Read morePlaylists: songs about the sixth sense
intuition to the unexplained, new realms of perception to deja vu, telepathy and the astral plane, all this and more in a pair of perceptive playlists picked by guest of the week Suzi from the most recent topic
Read morePlaylists: adult lullabies and other songs about inducing sleep
Restless? Don’t worry, this is worth staying up for. Enjoy a countdown in the first of several lists perfect picked by guest amylee from hundreds of suggestions over the week, which in all contexts help a perfect night’s sleep
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On a mission for the missing to a feast of the found, from the divine inspiration of last week’s nominations, guest guru Maki turns to to more than one source of saintly wisdom to help ‘cope’ with choosing two supreme playlists
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If you go down to the woods today … then listen carefully. You will hear intriguing tales by guest playlister Suzi, and marvellous songs inspired last week's topic. Find out where the path might lead …
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Space, time, the sun; smacking sports balls to curvy bodily fun; this week's well rounded playlists by this week's guest guru Marco den Ouden arch across the far reaches of the universe from the intimate to the infinite
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