An adjective meaning woody, or ligneous, and springing from the Ancient Greek xúlon for wood, and oeidḗs for form, the origin for xylophone, it’s one that sprouts many more roots and branches in our language, and describes objects of beautiful colour and shape.
The xylophone’s woody parts make it a xyloid instrument
Here then is a quick tour of 19 further lesser known words springing out from the xyloid etymological forest family:
1.xylan - gelatinous compound found in wood
2. xylary - of, like or pertaining to xylem
3. xylem - woody portion of a plant
4. xylocarp - a hard and woody fruit
Coconuts are part of the xylocarp fruit family
5. xylogenous - growing on wood
6. xyloglyphy - wood-carving
7. xylography - the art of engraving on wood
8. xylology - the study of wood
9. xylomancy - divination by examining wood found in one's path
10. xylometer - an instrument measuring specific gravity of wood
11. xylophagous - wood-eating
12. xylophilous - being fond of wood; living in or on wood
13. xylophory - wood-carrying
14. xylopolist - one who sells wood
15. xylopyrography - engraving designs on wood with hot poker
16. xylorimba - an instrument that’s a combination of xylophone and marimba
17. xylotherapy use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease
18. xylotomous - wood-cutting; wood-boring
19. xylotypographic - printed from wooden blocks
Xylotypographic picture blocks
Feel free to share anything in relation to the xyloid family of words whether in music or wider culture, such as from film, art, or other contexts, in comments below.
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Hardwood natural curves and grain