Henriette Motzfeldt and Catharina Stoltenberg
From stark and abstract, to serene, ambient and dancefloor, the debut LP from the Norwegian duo Henriette Motzfeldt and Catharina Stoltenberg is an experimental adventure taking in everything from classical to techno. It’s a collection of sounds that’s hard to pin down, from the shimmering then deep string thrums and of opener to Gitariff all the way to the heavy as well as ambient house of I Don’t Talk About That Much, followed immediately by the isolated beauty of a violin on closing track Hva Hvis, their work is as eclectic and avant-garde as can be. The title track is a dark electro dance number with a saw-toothed synth, Versace Strings a piece of gentle plonky, quasi-modern classical, while Rain, one of the highlights, mixes slow beats and loops with their voices chanting in a slow, breathy gentle R&B in Norwegian, while Flashing is broody comedown techno sung in English. Hester meanwhile is a truly otherworldly synth track of galloping itchiness. Overall, an album that’s full of gliding violin and cello strings, MIDI harp samples, clashing sounds and beats, offbeat, dreamy vocals, constant discoveries and wonderful oddness. Out on XL.
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