Lipstick, eyeliner, powder and more, it's all going in these beautifully made-up lists by guest of the week Suzi capturing all the looks, identities and the emotions and dreams behind the creams, inspired by last week's nominations
Read morePlaylists: songs about immaturity
Life’s SO unfair! NOBODY understands! After a huge outpouring of song suggestions on this angst-ridden subject, guest of the week Olive Butler picks out two wonderfully entertaining playlists that really reach for the inner child
Read morePlaylists: songs about switches, buttons, knobs and levers
Click! Radio to romance, computers to transport, even death and destruction, those switches are primed for all occasions, so stay tuned for super songs picked by guest Marco den Ouden from nominations that push all the right buttons
Read morePlaylists: songs about spiders
How do songwriters face their arachnophobia? Spotting behavioural trends expressed through musical and lyrics, and weaving a beautiful and witty web, this week’s guest swawilg creates playlists from last week’s thread of song suggestions
Read morePlaylists: songs using idioms, common phrases and expressions
How do you reduce more than 1,000 song suggestions into two perfectly phrased playlists of just 26 songs? If that feels beyond the pale, then the play’s the thing for this week’s superb guest ShivSidecar
Read morePlaylists: songs about the first and last time
A classroom kiss to a strange encounter, leaving town to a final continental farewell, guest writer takeitawayGuru creates playlists from last week's topic that move and entertain from first to last
Read morePlaylists: songs about teachers
Stafford? Present. Shadow? Present. Floyd? Present Fela? Present ... No one is bunking off in this week's class as guest writer DiscoMonster takes us on a highly personal perspective through good and bad lessons
Read morePlaylists: cover versions by the opposite sex
Amy to Beck, Bobby to Apple, this week's fabulous playlists by takeitawayGuru of versions by the other gender go much further than A to B, and show sometimes a cover can be Miles better
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